Updates and Info for our Macey Moo

Thank you all for visiting Macey's blog. This page is intended to give family and friends the latest updates on Macey. We look forward to everyone's comments and support and also your patience as we will add any updates as we receive them and are able to post them. There has been an overwhelming amount of support and love for Macey and we want all of you to know that we love you too and are thankful to have such great family and friends. Please keep all comments positive and know that our "Miracle Moo" has only one acceptable outcome. Complete and full recovery. Our family will accept nothing less. There will be t-shirts, window stickers and other items available to help support Macey's road to wellness. These items ARE NOT for profit. Only to show the love and support that Macey needs. Thank you all!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Macey's first Radiation appointment

Well, another step towards getting Macey better.  She started her radiation therapy today.  It went well even though it took a little longer than usual because they had to do some initial set-up since it was her first time.  They showed us everything and let us in to see Macey before the radiation so we could see what it looked like for her.  She was on a tall table in a darkened room and they had that plastic, mesh face cage holding her head to the table.  There was a bright green beam of light crossing her face as to mark where the beam was going to transmit.  It honestly looked like something out of  a sci-fi movie.  Macey was laughing and staying calm.  The set-up is very intimidating to look at and Macey handled it all very well.  Me, Angie and Kylah stayed in the waiting room and tried to assemble a 100 piece puzzle of a tree frog while we were waiting.  We almost had it complete when they wheeled Macey back in.  The puzzle kept us preoccupied while they were beaming our daughter.  All in all though, it went well and Macey is already acting more positive just knowing that something is finally being done to kill the "blankety blank blank" tumor.  We go again tomorrow. 

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